Food Tips Difference Between Fresh Dates And Dry Dates Know Benefits In Hindi

Food Tips Difference Between Fresh Dates And Dry Dates Know Benefits In Hindi

Fresh Dates vs Dry Dates: People consume dry fruits to stay healthy. These also include dates and dates. Most people think that dates are more beneficial than dates, but let us tell you that every dry fruit has its own benefits. Dates are beneficial for children as well as women. Many essential nutrients are found in it, which make the body healthy. Similarly, dates also have many benefits. In such a situation, let us know whether eating dates or dates (Fresh Dates vs Dry Dates) is more beneficial…

Nutrients of Dates and Dates

Dates are the dry form of dates. According to experts, like other dry fruits, dry dates also have tremendous benefits. Fresh dates are also beneficial. Both benefit health in different ways. Actually, dates are rich in iron and natural vitamin C. Concentrated source of nutrients is found in dates, which are beneficial in antioxidants and anti-inflammation. Anti-inflammatory properties are found in dates. Polyphenols are also present in it which are very good antioxidants.

Benefits of eating dates

According to experts, eating dates is very beneficial. This is important for overall health. It has amazing benefits especially for women. Its consumption removes iron deficiency and also boosts immunity. Due to the concentrated source of sugar in it, diabetic patients can also eat it on the advice of experts. Similarly, dates are also very beneficial.

When should one eat dates or dates?

Both dates and dates are great for health. You can eat these on an empty stomach or in the evening. Eating them with milk or fruits is said to be more beneficial. By consuming them, health always remains healthy and diseases remain far away.

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